Sleep Apnea: The Causes and Effects of Sleep Deprivation

In a fast-growing technology, more and more people are suffering from sleep deprivation. In fact, according to the statistics, there are only 35.3% American adults that are able to experience enough and better sleep. Additionally, according to the last year's study, the average American adults are able to get a maximum of 6.8 hours of sleep at night, which is lesser than the required 7-9 hours of sleep.

What causes sleep deprivation?

The demands of work, economy, family, and more, are the most common causes of sleep deprivation. However, more than that; below are the other common reasons why a person is deprived of sleep.

Sleep Disorders 

Sleeping disorders such as insomnia, restless leg syndrome, and sleep apnea are the common causes of sleep deprivation. Although, this sleeping disorder often causes fragmented sleep, still, it is one of many reasons why there are 100 thousand of deaths in the US that is reported yearly - the cause of death is often accidents due to the said syndromes, most especially sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea, according to medical stream, this condition occurs when there is a reduced flow of oxygen to the brain. If left untreated, it may cause several health risks. But, how will you know if you are already suffering this condition? If during your initial assessment, you find yourself an occasional loud snorer, wakes up in the middle of sleep due to salivary choke, and or experiencing tachypnea, then you are probably suffering from sleep apnea. To further diagnose the condition, you may consult a specialist and take that easy test for sleep apnea.


If you are under medication, sleep deprivation is possible.

Caffeine consumption

Consuming too much caffeine and other stimulants can affect your sleep.

The current environment

People who are suffering from sleep apnea are not the only one who suffers a lot, because most of the time, their partners are also affected with the occasional loud snores caused by sleep apnea. This is why, when diagnosing for sleep apnea, both partners must also undergo an at home sleep test. What are the consequences of sleep deprivation? Being sleepy all the time is not healthy; it could also be downright dangerous. If sleep deprivation is not treated, below are its consequences that may affect you.

  • It can cause difficulty of critical thinking.
  • It can make you always feel stressed and worn out
  • It can cause anxiety and depression
  • You are also deprived of concentration, coordination, focus, and decision making
  • It can affect your daily productivity
  • Feeling drowsy all the time is at high risk of all sorts of accidents, especially vehicular accidents.
  • Reduced immune system
  • It can lead to chronic health issues

Sleep is one of the most important activity every day - it is not a privilege, but it is an obligation. Having enough sleep will keep you in full shape, mentally, emotionally, and physically. So, if you are suffering from any conditions that caused sleep deprivation, you have to consult a physician now for further diagnosis and treatment.